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Photography made fun and easy

Looking to enhance your photography skills in a fun and engaging way? Look no further than the revolutionary Funpicks method! Say goodbye to boring articles and lengthy videos and hello to an exciting game that taps into your visual memory to help you improve your photography skills. Join the countless users who have already experienced success with Funpicks and take your photography to the next level!


92% of users say Funpicks helps their photography
90% of users say it's fun to play Funpicks
Learn to apply photography tips and upload photos to get reviewed

0% - 25%

25% - 50%

50% - 75%

75% - 100%

Earn points to show your progress. Points may be used in Funpicks Shop, which is under development.

Why We Created FunPicks?

Our Story

The journey of Funpicks began not in a studio or a classroom, but amidst the rich tapestry of Italy's landscapes and the historic town of Siena. It was born from a father's desire to connect with his son, Darren, over a shared passion for photography. Darren's youthful curiosity and boundless creativity faced the common hurdle many beginners encounter: the daunting task of learning the nuances of framing and composition in a world where technology has simplified capturing a moment, but not necessarily the artistry behind it.

Traditional learning methods—dense books and lengthy videos—clashed with the impatience of a young mind. Our trip to Italy in the summer of 2014 marked a turning point. I experimented with a new approach: Darren would take a photo, then I would take my version of the same scene. Together, we would compare and discuss the differences. This process wasn't just about teaching—it was a dialogue, a shared exploration that brought us closer.

The idea struck me while in the Siena Duomo. I realized that our playful competition could evolve into something more profound—a method to teach photography that was both engaging and intuitive. The idea was simplicity itself: use two photos of the same scene to illustrate a singular photographic tip, like the impact of a captivating foreground or the distraction of unnecessary elements. Thus, the cornerstone of Funpicks was laid.

Our Mission

Funpicks is more than a game; it's a gateway to seeing the world through a lens, sharpened by insight and creativity. Our mission is to demystify the art of photography, making it accessible and more enjoyable for beginners. By focusing on visual comparisons rather than textual explanations, we invite users to learn through observation, reflection, and, most importantly, fun.

The mental toolkit concept emerged naturally as I continued to shoot photo pairs. Picture advanced photographers for a sec. They've got this mental treasure chest filled with tips and tricks—each nugget of wisdom a secret weapon in crafting those eye-popping shots. From basking in the golden hour's glow to getting the hang of the rule of thirds, these bits of know-how are like trusted advisors in your quest for the perfect photo. Imagine having this invisible buddy, whispering tips about angles, lighting, and moments, always on standby.

And that's precisely what we're aiming for: to help you build up your very own mental toolkit, making you not just a good photographer, but a phenomenal one. Welcome to the world of Funpicks, where we break down photography, one tip at a time, in the most laid-back, fun-filled way possible.